Faster FCA Investigations Can Protect Suspects’ Wellbeing

November 25, 2024

Cadwalader partner Tom Grodecki spoke with Global Investigations Review about the UK Financial Conduct Authority’s attempts to speed up its enforcement efforts.

In the article, “Faster FCA Investigations Can Protect Suspects’ Wellbeing,” London practitioners have expressed support for the policy shift. They cited it as encouraging news for people facing regulatory investigations, which can have major consequences for their professional and personal lives.

The FCA’s pledge to speed up investigations may also allow for greater transparency, which has been another source of public criticism of the agency. According to Tom, a more transparent investigation process could also incentivize companies to look for an early settlement.

“For some firms, the associated negative publicity and potential loss of business will significantly increase the incentives to provide information to the FCA at greater pace,” Tom said.

Read it here (subscription required).