The fluidity of New York’s legal landscape continues to accelerate in the wake of the pandemic. Proposed legislation in New York may disrupt long-established law that commercial landlords do not have a duty to mitigate their damages when a tenant vacates its premises in violation of the terms of its lease.
During the transition period (between 31 January 2020 when the UK has formally withdrawn from the European Union) to the IP Completion Day, the UK has implemented certain key pieces of legislation to ensure that following its exit from the European Union, the majority of the EU laws which apply in financing transactions in their current form continue to apply, albeit with some changes to the scope and application. In this article, we discuss some of the key changes from a documentary perspective for financing transactions.
Assembly Bill A3139 was introduced by Assembly Member Harvey Epstein on January 22, 2021. The bill is currently in committee but, if enacted, it will amend New York’s Real Property Law and Tax Law to require the recording of mezzanine debt and preferred equity investments and subject it to the mortgage recording tax. These amendments will force borrowers and lenders to reconsider the economic costs of mezzanine financing.
We will present at an upcoming Strafford live video webinar, "Defeasance in Real Estate Finance: Process and Timing, Prepayment and Lockout Provisions," on March 16.
Here is a rundown of some of Cadwalader's recent work on behalf of our clients.