Clarity Is Central Theme In FCA's Greenwashing Guidance

Reprinted from: Law360 | May 15, 2024

Cadwalader lawyers Jason Halper, Duncan Grieve, Alix Prentice and Sharon Takhar authored an article, “ Clarity Is Central Theme in FCA’s Greenwashing Guidance,” which appeared in Law360 on May 15.

The UK Financial Conduct Authority’s anti-greenwashing rule is due to come into effect May 31, prompting the regulator to publish industry guidance aimed at assisting firms with compliance. The rule requires firms to ensure that any references to the sustainability characteristics of a product or service are consistent, fair, clear and not misleading. The introduction of the rule comes at a time when greenwashing is one of the top enforcement priorities for many regulators. Marketing products and services as green and sustainable is a common practice and seen as an important way to attract the attention of environmentally conscious customers.

Read it here.