ELFA Seminar Series: European Middle-Market Lending: Current Outlook, and Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

Cadwalader is pleased to partner with the European Leveraged Finance Association for a discussion on the current outlook and future of European Middle-Market Lending.

Cadwalader associate Elena Bernal and guest speakers Samuel Murias, Citi and Meredith Reynolds, Well Fargo, will discuss:

  • How does the European middle-market compare to the US?
  • Differentiating between middle-market and broadly-syndicated loans
  • Asset-by-asset approval vs eligibility criteria based facilities
  • Are we likely to see public issuances of middle-market CLOs in Europe like we see in the US
  • Challenges in the European middle-market space and the impact of inflation, rising interest rates and the war in Ukraine
  • What makes middle-market loans an attractive investment?
  • The role of direct lending in the middle-market space

 This event is open to ELFA members only.